Friday, April 27, 2012

Observations in Newark 5

So today was my first day teaching to high school students and I was incredibly nervous. I had taught before but it was only one lesson to my peers in my methods class. I got to Central high early and set up the classroom the way I needed it and got everything set up. Mr. N showed up a little later and helped my set everything up. My lesson was an introduction to the NJBCT, which the students will have to take at the end of the year. 80% of Newark and 95% of Central High failed last year so they wanted to make sure the students were prepared. My lesson opened up with them receiving a question sheet with a number on it as they walked in. They were to sit at that group and answer as many questions to the best of their ability in about 10-15 minutes. Then after that I was going to introduce the test and go over the answers with the students.
            So throughout the whole day about half of the students were engaged in the lesson and those who were engaged got the material. I made the mistake of telling them that it wasn’t going to be graded first period and they just shut down and didn’t even try it. Period 1 was just me and Mr. Nazaire and in periods 4, 6, and 7 Ms. P was there also. Periodically throughout the lesson they would interject with something that the students may have learned earlier in the year that would help them understand the question better. Mr. N said that 4th period my energy wasn’t there but as the day went on it picked up again. He also said that period 1 was my best but I felt that period 8 was. Period 1 students are still sleepy and they just go along with whatever but period 8 students are usually checked out by that point but I got some really good participation out of them.
            Period 7 is a rough class because of the personalities amongst the students. There was a little issue with one of them and Mr. N and him were going back and forth until Mr. N told him to “Go pop a perk”. I know that things aren’t supposed to distract you from teaching but I couldn’t help but laugh.
            For the future I really need to incorporate more motivation into my lessons to get them to participate. Mr. N recommended that I incorporate something to get them out of their seats in the future. He also said that I need to work on my teacher voice in the classroom. I think as the lessons continue I will feel more comfortable in the teaching role and exude more confidence in front of the classroom. I will also figure out what works and what doesn’t to get them motivated and interested in the lesson.

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